Veterans Day was first called Armistice Day to commemorate the combatants’ agreement to lay down their arms and negotiate the end of “The Great War,” at 11:11 a.m. on November 11, 1918.
Beyond offering our gratitude for the veterans,
Beyond our empathy for what veterans endured and many continue to endure,
Beyond offering our prayers for them,
Beyond our honoring them for their service, which I hope we all do (no matter where I am or what I’m doing: grocery store, super cuts across from the CB Base in Port Hueneme, in a restaurant, on a plane or bus – when I spot a person in uniform I just say, “Thank you for your service.”),
Beyond our understanding of actual wars and the soldiers’ risking their lives in the name of protection for ours which allows us to exercise our own personal gratitude buttons,
Let us use the war stories to see their outward manifestation of our inward condition. Let’s look at our spiritual connection to this day – regardless of our individual opinions about the wars our country has fought or fights, or the appropriateness of war in general.
As we remember our veterans on Armistice Day, let’s also look within, to places in our own lives where it would serve us to lay down our arms. Many of us battle with relationships, happenings, family dynamics, ourselves, etc. Many hold old schisms and judgments - have been fighting for years with old battles, battles with those around us, and battles within ourselves.
Are we ready to stop, to look, and to listen to the personal messages of Veterans Day? Are we willing to lay aside our pride, anger, and resentment to change our behavior patterns for the sake of peace in our personal lives?
We can allow this Veterans Day to spark an armistice, a cease fire, a peace agreement within our own lives.
Let’s remember that warring with someone, or with ourselves, creates unrest - and that blocks the flow of love and love’s gifts. Holding onto issues and blocking the flow of love is a major stressor in our body, mind and spirit. Holding onto warring is ego unchecked - it is a place of judgment instead of acceptance. The problem with this is that as we judge others, we are only projecting what is inside of ourselves. When we judge as wrong or bad, we defy the balance in life – the perfectness of each moment intended for our growth and learning. We defy our connection to the Divine presence running through each story and our connection to source. We miss the opportunity to check our bigotries and our narrow views. When we judge, we are not free, we are not at peace, we are not harmonious or balanced. Holding on is about separation and fear. Letting go is about surrender and peace. We block the flow of Divine Love when we judge – and we participate in war.
This Armistice/Veterans Day lets allow the love to flow unencumbered and allow our hearts to resolve toward peace. Let’s look within and make peace agreements. Let’s live and let live in peace.
A Place of Peace is within you!
Thank you Veterans for your service. Thank you for nudging me forward toward peace in my own life as I resonate with this day and look at my own battles. Thank you. Peace to your hearts and minds!
Beyond offering our gratitude for the veterans,
Beyond our empathy for what veterans endured and many continue to endure,
Beyond offering our prayers for them,
Beyond our honoring them for their service, which I hope we all do (no matter where I am or what I’m doing: grocery store, super cuts across from the CB Base in Port Hueneme, in a restaurant, on a plane or bus – when I spot a person in uniform I just say, “Thank you for your service.”),
Beyond our understanding of actual wars and the soldiers’ risking their lives in the name of protection for ours which allows us to exercise our own personal gratitude buttons,
Let us use the war stories to see their outward manifestation of our inward condition. Let’s look at our spiritual connection to this day – regardless of our individual opinions about the wars our country has fought or fights, or the appropriateness of war in general.
As we remember our veterans on Armistice Day, let’s also look within, to places in our own lives where it would serve us to lay down our arms. Many of us battle with relationships, happenings, family dynamics, ourselves, etc. Many hold old schisms and judgments - have been fighting for years with old battles, battles with those around us, and battles within ourselves.
Are we ready to stop, to look, and to listen to the personal messages of Veterans Day? Are we willing to lay aside our pride, anger, and resentment to change our behavior patterns for the sake of peace in our personal lives?
We can allow this Veterans Day to spark an armistice, a cease fire, a peace agreement within our own lives.
Let’s remember that warring with someone, or with ourselves, creates unrest - and that blocks the flow of love and love’s gifts. Holding onto issues and blocking the flow of love is a major stressor in our body, mind and spirit. Holding onto warring is ego unchecked - it is a place of judgment instead of acceptance. The problem with this is that as we judge others, we are only projecting what is inside of ourselves. When we judge as wrong or bad, we defy the balance in life – the perfectness of each moment intended for our growth and learning. We defy our connection to the Divine presence running through each story and our connection to source. We miss the opportunity to check our bigotries and our narrow views. When we judge, we are not free, we are not at peace, we are not harmonious or balanced. Holding on is about separation and fear. Letting go is about surrender and peace. We block the flow of Divine Love when we judge – and we participate in war.
This Armistice/Veterans Day lets allow the love to flow unencumbered and allow our hearts to resolve toward peace. Let’s look within and make peace agreements. Let’s live and let live in peace.
A Place of Peace is within you!
Thank you Veterans for your service. Thank you for nudging me forward toward peace in my own life as I resonate with this day and look at my own battles. Thank you. Peace to your hearts and minds!